Good Bye 2019

Credits: PangKhangPhotography
I felt like I "achieved" nothing in 2019, but I got a chance to really think about all that happened on my late drive back to town.
  1. Attended the BTS concert in May
  2. Went to South Korea in Sept
  3. Started a new job back home
  4. Moved back in with my parents in September rent-free
  5. Surviving a 2-hour distance relationship; I was against LDR all of my life but I am kinda thriving
  6. Gave back to my parents: painted 2 bathrooms, my room, and the kitchen
  7. Got to know about my parents' daily struggles even after living in the US for 27 years
  8. Increased my credit score because I no longer had to pay rent and paid down more debt
  9. Fell in love with, broke my heart from, and finished two Chinese drama with over 65 episodes: Legend of Fu Yao and Rise of the Phoenixes (both are on Netflix)
  10. Continued working on minimalism

My goals for 2020:
  1. Japan/Thailand
  2. House/rental property
  3. Parents: Car for my mom, stainless stove and fridge, update kitchen cabinets and floor
  4. Real estate license or get an IT degree
  5. Get married? have kids? become an adult lol

What I want to work in 2020 is to stop wanting good for others and let them live their best life. Previously, I would talk people into what's good for them, and sometimes even get the things that's good for them. As a result, it was my fault either way. It's not that I no longer care, but I need to let people go after what they want and not what I see is good for them. I feel like I wanted to be appreciated for that; or that I wasn't appreciated enough; like there should be a song or award for my kindness. So I asked myself, did I do a "good deed" because I am actually kind or was it to receive some sort of reward/recognition? I felt frustrated that I was taken for granted and it's no one's fault I felt that way; they owed me nothing. To deal with that feeling, I decided that I will only give because I want absolutely nothing in return. Obviously, that was always my intention, but my subconscious wanted the recognition, so I am going to be very conscious of what I give, regardless if it's physically or mentally. I want to give in 2020 consciously for nothing in return. That's the life and story I want to tell and live with.

Thanks for tuning in. I wanted to keep this entry short.


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