Organized Blog for 2019

I'm so glad I finally organized a way to file my thoughts and entries. Going into 2019, it'll be like this:

Soul Sunday - Rest day and preparing entries for the week
Movie Monday - I watch a lot of movies, so this should be the most exciting posts
Travel Tuesday - Travel tips or talk about past/future travels
Wonderful Wednesday - Talk about the good stuff in the news or in life
Throwback Thursday - Share my memories or advice from reflecting the past
Foodie Friday - Talk about the food I've eaten, cooked, or restaurant recommendations
Saving Saturday - Tips about money in general; debt, deals, and living.

I was so excited, I hand wrote 4 entries scheduled to post next week. Putting this together was such a great way to let my audience know what to expect and when. Had I never started writing, I wouldn't have concluded on that schedule.

I hope to make time to do videos for some of these entries as well, but writing is where I start. Thanks for tuning in and come back for next week's entries!


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