I'm still living my Thursday, but it's really 1am on Friday. Jim Carrey said that you have to ask the universe for what you want and I couldn't agree more. I like that instead of using religion, he used a literally "universal" term, universe.
I've actually asked for many things and I have received it. I asked to graduate high school without getting married or pregnant. Then I asked to graduate college because it would make my parents very proud as refugee parents. I thought I had achieved and reached all I've asked, but not yet. I asked for a high paying job and it was answered two years later. Then I kept asking for more and more and more. It can be very scary to ask for what we want, "so we never dared to ask for it." I think the other element to asking is also working. You can't ask and do no work; beggars can't be choosers.
So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality. What we really want seems impossibly out of reach and ridiculous to expect, so we never dare to ask the universe for it.
Recently, I shared a car ride with an intern and then hired after graduation employee. We talked about school, the company we work for, and just other plans in life. He talked about a goal/dream that I was scared to ask the universe know, a house. I thought to myself, "Sure I make a good income, but I hesitate my ability to own one. Why is that? How is he so secure to purchase a house?" Obviously, it comes down to money management and income, which he obviously makes more. I hated that I didn't have the same confidence. But it's ok everyone, my mom did it! We can all get a house! You get a house! You get a house! You get a house!
Speaking of my mom, I've found myself in her shoes living on my own. I've found myself feeling down like her when I was on the line for rent, food, and a messy environment. I'm always grateful for my mom, but these are the moments that really puts me in her shoes.
There are some good things happening. My wishes are being worked. So whatever it is that you want, ask and work toward it.
Dare to Dream
April 08, 2016
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